Simplemente Quino / Simply Quino

Simplemente Quino / Simply Quino
Published on 2016-11-29 by Lumen Juvenile

El humor inconfundible de Quino representado en esta impecable selecci�n de chistes mudos. A trav�s del humor, Quino nos brinda herramientas para enfrentarnos a las duras pruebas que se nos presentan d�a con d�a. Desde la publicaci�n de su primer libro, Quino se ha caracterizado por un fino trazo capaz de transmitir un sinf�n de emociones. Su poder de s�ntesis es tal, que un solo cuadro cuenta una historia completa, y nos arranca una carcajada, o hasta una l�grima, sin necesidad de emplear una sola palabra. Ahora nos presenta su m�s reciente obra, en la cual deja claro que su humor contin�a vigente. Y es que nadie m�s que �l puede retratar la realidad de una manera tan contundente. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION Quino's unmistakable humor captured in this impeccable selection of silent comics. Through humor, Quino offers us tools to face the obstacles that we encounter in our daily lives. Since the publication of his first book, Quino has been characterized by a thin line capable of transmitting an endless number of emotions. His power of synthesis is such that he can tell an entire story with one frame, and draw a chuckle or even a tear, without needing to use a single word. Now we are presented with his newest work, in which he makes it clear that his humor is still in full force. Nobody but him can portray reality in such a conclusive way.

This Book was ranked at 29 by Google Books for keyword 10 años con Mafalda.

Book ID of Simplemente Quino / Simply Quino's Books is irJkvgAACAAJ, Book which was written byQuinohave ETAG "Xs4MYs52pHI"

Book which was published by Lumen Juvenile since 2016-11-29 have ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code is 9786073147682 and ISBN 10 Code is 6073147686

Reading Mode in Text Status is false and Reading Mode in Image Status is false

Book which have "104 Pages" is Printed at BOOK under CategoryHumor

This Book was rated by Raters and have average rate at ""

This eBook Maturity (Adult Book) status is NOT_MATURE

Book was written in es

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